Burning Betrayal: A Steamy and Suspenseful Ride
Burning Betrayal is a movie that combines romance, drama, action, and mystery in a captivating way. The film explores themes such as betrayal, revenge, trust, and self-discovery, as well as the consequences of our choices. The movie also features some intense and erotic scenes that showcase the chemistry between the lead actors, Giovanna Lancellotti and Bruno Gagliasso.
All the basic information related to Burning Betrayal Movie like Director, Producer, Writer, Star Cast, Production Company, IMDb Ratings, Platform name where it distributed, Time Durations, etc. are mentioned in this table which is as follows:-
- Director: The movie is directed by Diego Freitas, a Brazilian filmmaker who has also directed other movies such as O Segredo de Davi and After the Rain.
- Producer: The movie is produced by Conspiração Filmes, a Brazilian production company that has also produced other movies such as 2 Coelhos and The Invisible Life of Eurídice Gusmão.
- Writer: The movie is based on a novel by Sue Hecker, a Brazilian author who has also written other books such as O Lado Bom de Ser Traída and A Coleira.
- Star Cast: The movie stars Giovanna Lancellotti as Babi, an accountant who discovers her fiancé’s infidelity and joins a motorcycle club, and Bruno Gagliasso as Marco, a judge who is involved in a risky plot and falls in love with Babi. The movie also features other actors such as José Loreto, Thiago Martins, and Deborah Secco.
- Production Company: The movie is distributed by Netflix, a global streaming platform that offers a wide range of movies, shows, documentaries, and more.
- IMDb Ratings: The movie has a rating of 5.3 out of 10 on IMDb, based on recent reviews.
- Platform name where it distributed: The movie is available to watch on Netflix in various countries, including Brazil, India, USA, UK, Canada, and more.
- Time Durations: The movie has a runtime of 1 hour and 42 minutes.
The movie has received mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike. Some have praised the film for its fast-paced plot, stunning cinematography, and thrilling twists. Others have criticized the film for its predictable storyline, shallow characters, and lack of originality. However, most agree that the film is entertaining and engaging enough to watch until the end.
Burning Betrayal is one of the latest additions to Netflix's catalog of international movies. The film was released on October 25, 2023¹⁴⁵, and has been trending on the platform ever since. If you are a fan of movies like 365 Days, Fatal Affair, or The Perfect Date, you might enjoy Burning Betrayal as well.