The Girgit web series is a Hindi Language Crime, Thriller web series which is released on the platform of MX Player and Altbalaji. This web series was directed by Santosh Shetty. This web series was produced under Rangrezaa films. The star cast is Nakul Sahdev, Taniya Kalrra, Trupti Khamkar, Ashmita Jaggi, Samar Vermani.
Without any further ado, let's get into the details of the Girgit release date, cast, and other details.
All the basic information related to the Girgit like Director, Producer, Writer, Star Cast, Production Company, IMDb Ratings, Platform name where it distributed, Time Durations, etc. are mentioned in this table which is as follows:-
Title | Girgit |
Content-Type | Web Series |
Language | Hindi |
Genres | Crime, Thriller, Adult |
Total Episodes | 7 Episodes |
No. of Seasons | Season 1 |
Running Time | Update Soon |
IMDb Ratings | Update Soon⭐ / 10⭐ |
OTT Platform | AltBalaji, MX Player |
Production Company | Rangrezaa Films |
Directed By | Santosh Shetty |
Written By | Sumrit Shahi |
Produced By | Rohit Kumar |
Main Star Cast | Nakul Sahdev, Taniya Kalrra, Trupti Khamkar, Ashmita Jaggi, Samar Vermani |
Girgit Cast
The main starring cast of the Girgit web series are as follows:-
Cast Real Name | Role Play Name |
Nakul Roshan Sahdev | Ranbir |
Taniya Kalrra | Shamoli |
Trupti Khamkar | Mahi |
Ashmita Jaggi | Avantika |
Samar Vermani | Inspector Rathod |
Kajal Shankhawar | Candy |
Shahwar Ali | Update Soon |
Ashish Tyagi | Update Soon |
Aleksandar Alex llic | Update Soon |
Karan Sonawane | Update Soon |
Shelly Sharma | Update Soon |
Rakesh Mishra | Update Soon |
The series, set in a whirlwind of love and treachery, reveals the secrets and hidden characteristics of each character, who resembles a chameleon.
Girgit Web Series Story
The plot is around the investigation of a murder in a very toxic relationship, which becomes increasingly complicated as the case unfolds. Characters that love to deceive, seduce, and kill when they need to attain their goals explore the limits of human decency.
Girgit Release Date
The Release Date of the Girgit web series is 27 October 2021 on Altbalaji and MX Player. This web series will release on MX Player and Altbalaji's App and website also to watch online. MX Player introduces an option of MX Gold on their platform, where you need to pay some amount of money to watch Girgit. On the other hand, if you want to watch Girgit in Altbalaji then you have to take a subscription plan.
Girgit Trailer
The trailer of the Girgit web series which is released on Altbalaji Youtube Channel are as follows:-
Frequently Asked Question
FAQ 1: Can we watch the Girgit web series with Family?
Ans. The Girgit is an Adult web series, this web series contains smoking, drinking, abusive words, violence, and some sexual scenes which make this series into adult web series. So I recommend you, don't watch the Girgit web series with your family.
FAQ 2: Where I can watch Girgit Web Series Online?
Ans. On 27 October, the Girgit web series was released on two OTT Platforms, the first one is MX Player (MX Gold) and another one is Altbalaji.
FAQ 3: What is the Release Time of Girgit Web Series?
Ans. The Release Time of the Girgit web series is at 12 AM on 27 October on MX Player (MX Gold) and Altbalaji.